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This is the travel experiences of a lone back packer who roams around the globe. He has been making solo journeys from countries to countries for the last 14 years. This website presents you the luscious sights he captured with his video camera during these unrelenting travels.

After touring 73 countries, Safari Fox is on the prowl in the 74th country. The attractions in the 73rd country, Cyprus, can be watched here in weekly episodes.
Visited Countries

Nepal (1997), Maldives (1998), Thailand, Singapore, Qatar, Britain, Belgium, Switzerland, Luxembourg, France, Italy, Vatican (1999) China (2000), Hong Kong, Malaysia, Germany, Czech Republic, Prague, Poland, Belarus, Russia, Finland, Sweden, Denmark (2001), Sri Lanka, Austria, Hungary, Liechtenstein, Netherlands (2002) Egypt, Turkey, Greece, Bhutan, Philippines, South Korea, Taiwan, Japan (2003) U.A.E, Spain, Portugal, Monaco, Indonesia, (2004) Kenya, South Africa (2005), Cambodia, Vietnam, Jordan, Israel, Palestine, Australia, New Zealand (2006), USA, Canada, Ethiopia, Uganda(2007)Syria, Bahrain, Latvia, Estonia, Lithuania(2008), Brazil, Chile, Argentina, Honduras, Belize, Mexico (2009) Oman, Seychelles, Mauritius, Myanmar (2010) Barbados, Saint Lucia, Saint Kitts and Nevis, Cyprus (2011).

For the last 14 years, Safari fox has travelled through the continents, Asia, Europe, Australia, North America, South America and Antarctica.
Web team: Aneesh joseph, Reji Joseph, Mohammed Naushad, K. Abdul Gafoor, James Sebastian & Ismail C. S.
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